Pame Kaimakli Festival 2023: Ιστορίες άλλωςΦώς

The Pame Kaimakli Festival 2023 marked its 10th anniversary with a celebration centered around the theme of “Ιστορίες άλλωςΦώς” (Stories in a New Light). Throughout the festival, attendees were immersed in a variety of events and experiences designed to illuminate the rich history and culture of the Kaimakli neighborhood. Maintaining its open and participatory character, …

The Potential of Agora Workshop

This workshop series was a dynamic collaboration between Urban Gorillas and The Architecture Research Centre of Nicosia University. Under the approach of ‘living classes’ of the Arch 101 – Introduction to Architectural Design, first-year architecture students participated in enriching workshops at the State Gallery of Contemporary Art- SPEL in Nicosia, as part of the SESSIONS …


Είμαστε ιδιαίτερα ευτυχείς να ανακοινώσουμε το πρόγραμμα για το Πάμε Καϊμακλί 2023 -Ιστορίες άλλωςΦως ! Το βράδυ της 23ης Σεπτεμβρίου, απολαύστε το δυναμικό πρόγραμμα των 28 καταπληκτικών καλλιτεχνών, μουσικών, σχεδιαστών, performers, συγγραφέων μεταξύ άλλων, που συμμετέχουν στη φετινή 10η έκδοση του Φεστιβάλ! *****Όλες οι δραστηριότητες είναι δωρεάν **** We are super excited to announce the …

Rooftop Landmark in Nicosia- Painting across the divide

The Urban Gorillas team invites young and active citizens from Cyprus to take part in the development and execution of a customised Rooftop Artwork by the artist Larsen Bervoets in Nicosia from the 16th to the 22nd of September 2023 as part of our @Creative Europe project (European Creative Rooftop Network ) The design will …

Engeki Quest: Secret Treasures in Cities- Orangcosong presentation and public discussion

In a notable gathering at the Agora, the Cyprus-based Urban Gorillas hosted a discussion with Orangcosong, an innovative art collective from Japan. Orangcosong, during its artistic residency in Cyprus, presented a distinctive approach to incorporating local life, community engagement, and historical context into its global projects. This event marks the beginning of a series of …

Agora in AfroBanana Festival

Agora is a mobile structure designed by Urban Gorillas that aims to enhance public engagement by providing a platform for diverse voices to express themselves. Ingeniously designed, Agora’s flexible and ,modular structure allows for new spatial configurations to develop allowing for co-creation and creativity during its assembly. The structure remained at the open-air sports ground …

Engeki Quest: Secret Treasures in Cities

Presentation and talk by Orangcosong at SPEL Rooftop | SESSIONS| Join us 21st of July Friday evening at the Agora for a talk session with Orangcosong, an art collective from Japan.  They have something extraordinary to share – activities that beautifully connect local lives, communities, and historical contexts from all corners of the world. Orangcosong …

Kaimakli on Wheels- Wheel you Connect Kaimakli?

A lovely, symbolic journey that connected two ice cream shops, Regis on the south of the UN border and SEDO on the north. In a beautiful vision for a united neighbourhood, a cycling journey of 7.4 km took place to cover the distance that without the border would be only a few 100 metres. We …

“Hitsudankai – From now/here, Silence” at Afro Banana Festival

Agora, ingeniously designed by Urban Gorillas, is a mobile structure that champions public engagement by offering a unique platform for various voices. During the Afro Banana festival, Agora transcended into an oasis of non-verbal expression and tranquility. This space, devoid of spoken words, invites attendees to a realm of introspection and spiritual rejuvenation. Participants will …