Pame Kaimakli Festival 2022: Urban Playground

Pame Kaimakli Festival is an annual community event that aims to explore ideas of publicness, co-creation and community engagement through creative interventions with the collaboration of residents and artists. This year’s festival took place in Kaimakli, Nicosia between the 4th and the 13th of July 2022 and preparatory workshops throughout the month of June 2022. …

Interactive perfomance #tomboλα and Walking Theatre workshops by Yasemin

#tomboλα – Interactive Performance by the Theatre Group ‘Yasemin’ Within the framework of the festival, the ‘Yasemin’ group invited the residents of Kaimakli, those who love Kaimakli or those who want to discover it, to participate in the interactive performance #tomboλα which was held at the coffee shop ‘I plateia’ that  is located in the …

Theatre performance ‘The Last of the Days’ and a series of experiential theatre workshops by Eidekanou Theatre

Theatre performance ‘The last of the days’ Within the framework of the festival, the ‘Eidekanou Theatre group’ presented the documentary performance ‘The last of the days’ (in greek; ‘Οι τελευταίες των ημερών’). The documentary performance “The Last of the Days” revolves around the biographies of the two actors’ grandmothers in an attempt to revive parts …

ECRN Artist Rooftop Residency – Maidie Van Den Bos: Distilling Nicosian sensory experiences

Artist Maidie van den Bos was selected to take part in one of the 18 rooftop residencies of the European Creative Rooftop Network. For this artistic exchange between Nicosia and Rotterdam, Maidie was asked to develop a Rooftop Art Project in Nicosia under the themes of “geopolitics” and “rooftop sensation”. During her residency in Nicosia, …

ECRN Artist Rooftop Residency – Maidie Van Den Bos: Nicosia’s gardens against rage “One ecology uniting community”

Artist Maidie van den Bos was selected to take part in one of the 18 rooftop residencies of the European Creative Rooftop Network. For this artistic exchange between Nicosia and Rotterdam, Maidie was asked to develop a Rooftop Art Project in Nicosia under the themes of “geopolitics” and “rooftop sensation”. During her residency in Nicosia, …

ECRN Artist Rooftop Residency – Shiro Masuyama: Feeding carrots from the South to wild donkeys in the North

Shiro Masuyama was selected to take part in one of the 18 rooftop residencies of the European Creative Rooftop Network. Shiro was selected after an open call for this residency to develop aRooftop Art Project in Nicosia under the themes of “geopolitics”, “emigration” and “rooftop sensation”. Shiro Masuyama’s performative piece creates a commentary on the …

ECRN Artist Rooftop Residency – Shiro Masuyama: Identity T-shirts project

Shiro Masuyama was selected to take part in one of the 18 rooftop residencies of the European Creative Rooftop Network. Shiro was selected after an open call for this residency to develop aRooftop Art Project in Nicosia under the themes of “geopolitics”, “emigration” and “rooftop sensation”. Identity T-shirts project  Shiro is the only Japanese artist …

ECRN Artist Rooftop Residency – Iacovos Loizou: Participatory painting inspired by the roofscape

Iacovos Loizou: Participatory painting inspired by the urban roofscape Iacovos Loizou was selected to take part in one of the 18 rooftop residencies of the European Creative Rooftop Network. For this artistic exchange between Nicosia and Rotterdam, Iacovos was asked to develop a Rooftop Art Project in Rotterdam under the themes of “geopolitics”, “emigration” and …

Peace Lab: Kite making workshops

The Peace Lab: Kite Making Workshops were hosted at the Pame Kaimakli Festival 2022 and took place at the Cultural Centre ‘Oi Myloi’ from July 5th to July 8th 2022. The workshops were realised in collaboration with the Japanese Art Collective OBI, the kite making artisan Michiyoshi Yamamiya from Niigata* Japan, a city world famous …