The ECRN consortium partner meeting took place in Nicosia in October 2023 and the Urban Gorillas hosted the passionate team of Rooftop enthusiasts for 3 rich days of fruitful discussions about the legacy of the network. We at Urban Gorillas are beyond thrilled to have hosted the 7th ECRN meeting, discussing the transformative potential of utilizing Nicosia’s rooftops in creative and sustainable ways. The program included many hours of working sessions among the ECRN partners, visits to local rooftops for the consortium partners and the ECRN Nomads, and even a yoga session on the rooftop during the sunset.Thanks to all the incredible spaces that welcomed us into their high-altitude havens: Κρατική Πινακοθήκη Σύγχρονης Τέχνης – ΣΠΕΛ / SPEL and the fantastic Sessions team, along with the Municipality of Nicosia, Rüstem Kitabevi and the AB İnovatif Girişimcilik / EU Innovative Entrepreneurship. Creative Europe #RethinkRooftops #UrbanGorillas #SustainableCities #NicosiaSkyline