(UN)common Patchwork Installation at Pournara Camp

Yesterday was a special day as we installed the first phase of the (UN)common patchwork at the children’s playground of the first reception centre for asylum seekers at Pournara.

The project was the wonderful result of a three-day ongoing production process that took place at the installation of Agora of the Urban Gorillas the AfroBanana Festival.

Thank you to everyone involved in this project and contributed to the creation of the patchwork, in particular Nde Justina and Μaria Pappa of Υφασματογραφίες. Also to those donated the fabric, especially Sipone Textiles.

Our gratitude goes to the dozen of volunteers at the Pournara camp who assisted us in installing it and cannot be shown in the photos. Instead, we would like to share a glimpse of our team testing the playground. ????

This efforts are supported by the Commonwealth Foundation and Alternative Brains Rule

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To be continued as a second phase at Πάμε Καϊμακλί / Let’s Go Kaimakli 2024 ! Join us! ⭐️