ΦουσκόPolis Larnaca took place at the Castle and attracted over a thousand local residents and visitors alike to visit the site on each of the two days. ΦουσκόPolis even brought people to the site who had never visited it before. The programme of events in Larnaca over the two days was made up of a diverse range of actions from creative groups, collectives, artists, community organisations, other NGOs, designers and performers. There were urban games, exhibitions of photography, printmaking and architectural design work, dance, storytelling, drumming, video installation, theatre performance, yoga, hip-hop, circus performance, skateboarding, film screenings, free hugs, a piano and other interactive installations and games as well as a mobile cafe and food from diverse minority groups living in Cyprus.
Urban Gorillas worked in partnership with the Architecture Research Centre (ARC) of the University of Nicosia, Dendros Ltd. and Plastique Fantastique (Berlin) to realise this islandwide initiative.